Indianapolis, IN

Carbon Pro-G The future of fertilizer

Give Your Turf an All-Natural Advantage.


This year at Heartland Landscape and Lawncare we welcome a new all natural product to our line of great fertilization options from Site One LESCO.  The product is called Carbon Pro-G.  Carbon Pro-G contains Biochar.  Biochar is made up of (burned) wood and is a environmentally sustainable carbon based material.  It is an organic product that is safe for humans and animals.  Here is the information that LESCO provides on their website about their product Carbon Pro-G.

Here's How LESCO CarbonPro Helps You Deliver Healthier Turf and Plants:

Deeper, Stronger Roots

By stimulating root development, it protects turf and plants against environmental and cultural stressors while maximizing water and nutrient uptake. 

Improved Greening

Highly soluble chelated iron (EDTA iron) in the liquid formula is easily absorbed by the plant, providing a consistently lush appearance for turf and plants. 

Improved Soil and Seed Establishment

By conditioning the soil, it optimizes soil pH, CEC, salinity and accelerates seed germination to assure that roots take hold quickly and securely. 

Increased Nutrient Uptake and Efficiency

The formula nearly doubles the absorption of key micronutrients, improving the efficiency and utilization of nutrients applied. 

Reduced Water Requirements

Bio-charged carbon holds water while making it available to the plant when needed, allowing your soil to get more from every drop.  

Targeted Benefits

Powered by MobilEX™, CarbonPro – L delivers nutrients throughout the entire plant and transports them to areas where they’re needed most. 

This product would most commonly be used to establish new lawns in nutrient deficient soils like in new home construction or existing lawns that need a boost.

Contact us today to find out if this product might be suited for your yard.